Sonodot is a high performance plug & play indoor location intelligence platform that helps warehouses and factories to increase the efficiency and safety of their material handling operations by tracking vehicles such as forklifts in real time.
The journey so far...
Over the course of their time working with the mentors and attending the workshops at Startupbootcamp IoT, the Sonodot team has been paying particular attention to the B2B aspect of their business model.
Given that their main customer base consists of owners of warehouses and factories, the sale cycle can be extensive - in some cases six to nine months or longer. This has an impact on operational costs and the speed with which Sonodot are able to acquire new customers.
"A significant part of this journey has been understanding what the adoption process looks like for our product, and thinking about what the total lifetime value of our customers could be" explains CEO Niccolo Corsini
To ensure their product is as attractive to potential customers as possible, Niccolo and his team have spent considerable time working on Sonodot's user interface - The dashboard and sensor set-up that allows the user to access real-time analytics. This has involved ongoing discussions with customers to gain a greater understanding of the features that they'd be most interested in.
Looking ahead...
Like most of the startups on the program, Sonodot is run by a small team, so the countdown to Demo Day involves using their limited resources to absorb and integrate as much information as possible in a very short period of time.
"It's been a fantastic ride" says Niccolo. "We've been exposed to a variety of experts and workshop opportunities that are very tailored and relevant to IoT and B2B. We've been accelerating our learning around the whole journey, from where we are now to the place we know we need to get to."
"Our main priorities now are to engage with customers and begin discussions for potential partnerships while demonstrating through our pilots that we can deliver real value; something our customers needs and are going to be willing to pay for."
We'll be continuing to check in with Sonodot and the other Startupbootcamp participants over the coming weeks, so keep checking this space for more updates. You can also learn more about Sonodot on their official website and on the Startupbootcamp website.