Unifi.id makes indoor location tracking without smartphones possible via an opt-in plastic card featuring a special RFID tag, helping businesses and building managers to monitor their users seamlessly for improved service and security.
The journey so far...
The Startupbootcamp IoT program has provided unifi.id COO Tim Swift and his team with an opportunity to speak to a wide variety of people from mentors and industry veterans to growth hackers and potential investors. This range of perspectives has proven to be both informative and validating, helping the team to formulate a number of ideas about how to take the business forward.
"One of the biggest things that we've learned is that we're not necessarily targeting the buyers in the businesses we're speaking to" explains Tim. "We've been dealing with a lot of stakeholders and people who might use a system like ours, but not necessarily the people who would pay for it. So identifying that demographic and ensuring we have the right message for potential buyers is going to be a critical element in how we present ourselves in the future".
Looking ahead...
With the technical side of Unifi.id more or less finalised, Tim and his colleagues have largely been focusing on business strategy. "Working with the mentors and various contacts, we've come through with lots of ideas about where we can take the product in the short to medium term".
"We've been absorbing input from the many different workshops we've attended and the people we've spoken to. Our main priorities now are to consolidate what's tangible and useful in time for Demo Day, with a view to talking to investors."
"The program has opened up a number of conversations and possibilities. The goal now is to process all of that and incorporate into what our own vision for our business is."
We'll be continuing to check in with Unifi.id and the other Startupbootcamp participants over the coming weeks, so keep checking this space for more updates. You can also learn more about Unifi.id on their official website and on the Startupbootcamp website.