For the second year in a row, Farnell element14 is proud to be an official partner of Startupbootcamp IoT, an intensive three-month acceleration program for tech-based startups. We recently traveled to Startupbootcamp IoT's London headquarters to meet the participating startups for the 2017 cohort.
Introducing Mothive
Mothive is a Precision Agriculture company that specialises in developing autonomous IoT devices and machine learning algorithms to support decision making and reduce risk in agriculture. Their current focus is on building novel prediction models to support high value crops of berries and grapes grown both outdoors and inside glasshouses and poly-tunnels. Farmers can then use the information provided to improve and reduce operational costs and fend off common diseases to increase their yields.
About the product
Quality products with a proven track record are at the heart of the Mothive solution, which includes a combination of sensors purchased from reputed brands such as Decadent Devices, plus a self-developed PCB featuring an STM microprocessor and a radio frequency module from Texas Instruments.
Research indicated that the farmers strongly favoured simplicity, so the Mothive solution is built around a user-friendly interface without too many graphs. Because the solution has been developed through real world field data, they have been able to develop highly accurate models for predicting disease and optimising operational costs such as irrigation, based on actual crop needs.
Joining Startupbootcamp IoT...
Co-founder Angelo Monteiro is hoping to use the Startupbootcamp IoT experience to attract investment for Mothive and to open the door to potential partnerships. The mentors involved in the program will have a big impact on Mothive's development, allowing them to get detailed feedback from established industry experts.
"It's an amazing opportunity..." says Monteiro. "Over the coming weeks our priority is to gather as much feedback as possible from the mentors and use it to potentially re-think some of our ideas. We're also excited to take advantage of the Growth Studio workshops, where we're hoping to really learn a lot..."
We'll be continuing to check in with Mothive and the other Startupbootcamp participants over the coming weeks, so keep checking this space for more updates. You can also learn more about Mothive on their official website and on the Startupbootcamp website.