Tim Swift and his colleagues at unifi.id spent the weeks leading up to Startupbootcamp IoT Demo Day following a packed schedule of workshops and networking events, all while working to refine their product and consolidate their findings from the program into a convincing pitch to present to investors. We caught up with Tim in the final days before the program to find out how he feels about his time in the program and what's next for unifi.id...
Preparing for Demo Day
Demo Day has been the key focus for the unifi.id team over the final weeks of the program. Preparations have included scripting, presentation and attending dedicated coaching sessions - all with the goal of delivering the most convincing and compelling speech in front of the audience of partners and investors on the day.
The evolution of unifi.id
On entering the Startupbootcamp IoT accelerator, Tim and his unifi.id colleagues already had a fairly established product that had been in the market for a couple of years. Consequently, the product itself didn't undergo any major changes over the course of the program. Instead, the unifi.id team focused on refining their approach. "We've traditionally been quite product-focused" admits Tim. "Joining Startupbootcamp IoT has given us the chance to think more about the actual problem we're solving, rather than just the end product. It's important to take that step back from time to time."
The future
As a relatively established company, participating in Startupbootcamp IoT helped unifi.id to crystallize their approach on issues such as financing and potential new options and features. They've been able to valudate a number of market sectors and build relationships with high profile clients, including HSBC, University College London and Deloitte. Next up, they will be raising money for their Pre-Series A and preparing for a major growth round.
"Participating at Startupbootcamp IoT helped us to develop knowledge and ideas that we can take forwards" explains Tim. "Now all we need is to raise the cash to invest in serious growth."
unifi.id makes indoor location tracking without smartphones possible via an opt-in plastic card featuring a special RFID tag, helping businesses and building managers to monitor their users seamlessly for improved service and security. You can learn more about them on their official website.