I have an option to get this scope for 100$! Worth it? I am a newbie and help me make a decision.
My Usage: Student and Hobby Projects, Basic T&M.
- Comprises of Several Instruments in One Package Dual Trace Oscilloscope, Component Tester/Comparator, Triple Output DC Power Source, Frequency Counter and Function Generator.
- Oscilloscope with dc to 30MHz Bandwidth and 1 mv/div Sensitivity on Both Channels.
- 140mm Rectangular CRT and 8 x 10 cm.
- Display with Internal Graticule. 40ns/div to 0.2s/div Time Base.
- Z Modulation (TTL Level). X-Y Operation.
- TV Triggering Frame (V) & Line (H). LINE Trigger.
- Component Tester / Comparator for Quick Evaluation of Component Characteristics.
- Triple Output DC Source for External Use.
- 100MHz Frequency Counter Measures Frequency of Function Generator or Waveform Displayed on Oscilloscope, Also from external Input or source.
- Function Generator Operates in the Range of 0.02Hz to 2MHz with 50 ohms Output Impedance and Attenuation upto 60dB.
Product datasheet is attached hereby.