Robert Schneider makes music in a very different manner than most musicians. He uses his brain; or rather he uses his brainwaves. Using Mindflex, a toy from Mattel that uses a form EEG technology to control a ball, and another EEG game called Star Wars Science Force Trainer, was then piped through vintage Moog synthesizers to create ‘brain music’. Each device utilizes one half of the brain, “The curve of the pitch is basically the same for both synthesizers, but the left-brain synth is more logical and dry, while the right-brain synth is more dreamy and surreal”, said Schneider. With the help of ‘tear-down’ plans he found online, he was then able to mod the jack from Mindflex’s ball controller to control voltage out-put that then is plugged into the pitch input on the synthesizer. Schneider goes on to say, “You have to be very conscious of your thoughts, and alter the music by agitating your mind.”