hie, can anyone help me with an innovative project idea for a telecommunications degree with Arduino or Pic microcontroller please
hie, can anyone help me with an innovative project idea for a telecommunications degree with Arduino or Pic microcontroller please
These processors are not used too much in core telecom applications which are characterized by high bandwidth data, although you might find Pic micros in some auxiliary function. Where you might find more of these processors is in peripherals or devices interfaced to telecom networks. You can look for internet-of-things applications that interest you - many IoT devices use these processors. Pick something you would like to know, like when is rain coming in the window and make a device that sends you an email when this occurs.
It depends on the scope of the project and what you're school is requiring. A PIC32 can handle 100BASETX traffic but not much more than that, and even then it's not an industry standard to my knowledge. I can probably provide better ideas if I have an idea of the project requirements.
For example, my Sr. Design that I completed last year for a Computer Engineering degree was I built a flight computer for a drone; the requirement was the project needed a micro-controller to control some kind of physical system with a closed-loop control scheme. One thing we never got to work on it was the air-to-ground communication for our telemetry; that's one possible idea for you.
EDIT: I'm assuming the reason why you mentioned Arduino and PIC is because your school probably already has Arduino's and programmers for the PICs on-hand, as is the case with the school I graduated from. In whichever case, you might look into a Xilinx FPGA for telecom and see if your school is willing to get the environment setup.
can you help me find some ideas for my final year project???......I'm from electrical engineering students
fault passage indicator for MV distribution line..