I am new to microchip technology. I am using MPLAB X IDE Version 5.0 & DSPIC33EV256GM106 MicroController, Pickit3 Tool and MPLAB Code Configure(MCC) V 3.66.
By using Pickit3 i am trying to dump the code into DSPIC33EV256GM106 MicroController. as per my requirement, i need UART BootLoader concept into DSPIC33EV256GM106 MicroController.
Please help me :: How to generate BootLoader code for DSPIC33EV256GM106 MicroController through MCC?
I tried one of the option, By using EZBL file (which was available in MicroChip Website) tried to dump that BootLoader code into DSPIC33EV256GM106 MicroController, But it was Disappointed me. I faced lot of problem on that.
Please try to help me anyone
Thanks in advance