So, I'm currently working on a project using NXP's PN7462 - which is a combined USB-capable ARM M0 microcontroller and NFC front end. It's sounds like the perfect device for a USB-connected NFC reader, right? However, I'm starting to run into difficulties with the USB side of things. There are some examples of a USB serial port, but I really need a composite device with USB serial and also HID (keyboard emulation).
There are lots of nice examples for this sort of thing for other USB-capable NFC microcontrollers - e.g. the K64F using the MCUXpresso USB stack. However, the PN7462 seems to use the USBD ROM-based stack. The code is in ROM and you use some C header files to point to it.
Anyway, getting to the point of my post - it seems that all documentation and resources for this USB stack have disappeared. The are lots of dead links to the vanished I found a useful section in the user manual (OM10913) titled "5.2 Porting existing LPC USB Virtual Keyboard implementation to PN7462AU" which would appear perfect. However, there I'm told that "Specific HID USB class handler is implemented in USBD ROMSTACK and it is available upon request from NXP."
I posted in what I thought was the most appropriate place - the NXP Community. The reply I received there was to contact a distributor - such as Farnell Element14. So that leads me to asking the same question here. Does anyone know where to find documentation on how to create a HID keyboard for the PN7462? I'd be happy using either the USBD ROM stack or finding a way to use the MCUXpresso stack.