We have a custom board based on the Ultrazed-EV SOM, Our reference board is Ultrazed-EV Starter Kit. I am using the Avnet BSP version 2019.2 for the Petalinux build with the HDF generated for custom PL design in Vivado 2019.2.
Unlike other Xilinx Zynq MPSoC based BSP where there is a board-specific device tree defining the PIN controls mappings defining the MIO pins for the various associated peripherals, the device tree generated with the Avnet BSP, we don't have the device tree file with MIO pin mappings.
So My doubt is on how to remove or change the Pin control mappings ( change in MIOs ) for the peripherals for the differences in custom board with respect to the Ultrazed EV carrier board. What should be the standard way of customizing the kernel to change the PIN mapping accordingly?
Expecting help in this regard, I am relatively new to this platform.