Hi all,
I'm currently working on a small tracking project and could use some guidance on selecting the right components, since i dont have much experience and i don't know what to look for. The main goal is to create a compact tracker that monitors an object's movement, specifically detecting when it's picked up or laid down.
Here are the core components I'm considering:
Microcontroller: I need a microcontroller to handle the logic for data processing.
Gyroscope & Accelerometer: Sensors to measure rotation and acceleration.
Proximity Sensor: A proximity sensor with a range of a few centimeters is required to detect when an object is close to a surface.
Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) Module: This is necessary for transmitting the tracked data to another device.
I'm would like for a final PCB size of max 5cm x 5cm; please let me know if this is a reasonable target.
Currently, I'm using an ESP32 with the MPU-6050 as the gyroscope and APDS9960 for distance measurement, but these components are too large (and have too much functions i dont need) for my intended design.
Any advice or component recommendations would be nice. Thanks!