I just ordered a pickit 3 and a chip designer board.
Now what I decided to do is get things ready. First, What software do I need to download?
I thinkI need the "PMLAB XC" software, but I am not sure. I am using WIN 10.
I have no idea what chips I need to order. Iknow I will want 16+ pins, but I do not wish to order anything that is not programmable with the PK3.
How can I figure out what I need to get? I am looking to something very versatile to learn with.
The DEV board can handle up to 40 pin (I think), And I am not opposed to ordering some, but again, I have no clue as to where to look to.
But I wanted to order something so when I get the PK3 I won't need to wait.
Lastly, I need advice on any books or sites to get/look at for a very new PK3 User.
- What chips would you recommend me starting off with? (16or more pins to have plenty of options please, (I can go to a smaller more production chip later))
- What programs do I need to install, as far as anything free?
- What references would you recommend? (books, etc)
Thank you in advance.