I would like to learn how to program LED's from a micro controller that i can later design a PCB around to create different lighting designs. I know that the "LED Magic" card is out, but its too bulky to put on the underside of a dual layer PCB.
Any tips on where I could start.
Any kits that are just a PIC programmer, I could start with Arduino and learn how to write the code then in turn go to stand alone micro controllers ?
So If I wanted to make like a turn signal and have the lights pulse, would you still wire the LEDs in a Matrix? or you could wire them in series parallel and have the timer turn on a group of lights to make a sequential look like you would get from a 555 timer and decade counteR?
Any help would be awesome. I've tried going on youtube, but no one explains it or im jsut dumb and don't understand haha.
Eventually i would like to have a tactile button that could switch to different lighting effects, just not as many as the led magic board.