I've been using up to PIC18, but I'm new using PIC32. I thought that it would be the same process, but I'm having a hard time making it work.
I'm developing a board for my graduation proyect with this PIC32MZ2048ECH100
PIC32MZ EC Processor Plug-In Module (PIM) - MA320012 | Microchip Technology Inc.
The thing is that I can't seem to make it work with the programmer.
I'm Using the PICKIT3
Application Version: 3.10
Device File Version: 1.62.15
OS Frimwater Version: 2.00.05
When I try to manually select the PIC32MZ only PIC32MX family appears.
Do I need to download or update something else?
I have to implement an external circuit?
Are my connections correct?
Thanks in advance