Is JAE SRCN6A21-16P plug and JAE SRCN2A21-16s socket the same size?
Are they suitable?
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Is JAE SRCN6A21-16P plug and JAE SRCN2A21-16s socket the same size?
Are they suitable?
That's a fairly specialist connector, is this for a business purpose? If so, you should find the exact precise part number that you need, and order that, otherwise get an engineer to approve a different part code, since they will likely care about many attributes beyond just physical size.
If you're just wondering if they will mate, then unless you get lucky and someone who reads this already knows, you may need to just compare the datasheets closely to see if they look mateable. This is becase there is a really slim chance (I could be wrong!) that anyone reading this currently might have used those precise parts and knows for sure, so the only hope is a datasheet examination.
If you get stuck on any part, paste here any portion of it and I'll (or someone else) will take a look. But I have never used these connectors, so there are no guarantees from my responses at least, regarding mateability or fitness for any particular purpose.