if anyone can help me with a SI1145 sensor.
I' trying usee this sensor with pic24fj, but no good result from the registers.
I'm just try read the PART_ID from the sensor, but I can't read the register at first time. i.e I call a function SI1145_Read_byte(uint8_t regaddress), some thing like this (I will post the code)
but for read the correct value I need call this function two time. at the second call return me a correct value from registe.
If read the register 0x02 (SEQ_ID) I expect read 8dec.
but at first read a NULL value.
maybe with some picture I can explain beter.
#include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <xc.h> #include <stdbool.h> #include "I2C1.h" #include "TIMERS.h" void I2C1_ACK_SEND(void) { I2C1CONLbits.ACKDT=0;//config to send ACK while(I2C1CONLbits.ACKEN==1){}; } uint8_t I2C1_ReadData(void) { I2C1CONLbits.RCEN = 1; uint8_t data=I2C1RCV; while(I2C1STATbits.RBF==0){}; I2C1_IDLE();//while(I2C2STATbits.TRSTAT==1){}; return data; } void I2C1_ReStartCondition() { I2C1CONLbits.RSEN=1; I2C1_IDLE();//while(I2C2CONLbits.RSEN==1){}; } void I2C1_Send_ACK(void) { I2C1CONLbits.ACKDT=0;//config to send ACK while(I2C1CONLbits.ACKEN==1){}; } void I2C1_ACK_READ(void) { while(I2C1STATbits.ACKSTAT==1){}; } void I2C1_Send_NACK(void) { I2C1CONLbits.ACKDT=1;//config to send NACK while(I2C1CONLbits.ACKEN==1){}; } void I2C1_Sendaddress(uint8_t dataaddress) { I2C1TRN = dataaddress<<1; I2C1_IDLE();//while(I2C2STATbits.TRSTAT==1){}; } void I2C1_SendByte(uint8_t data) { I2C1TRN = data; I2C1_IDLE();//while(I2C2STATbits.TRSTAT==1){}; } void I2C1_StopCondition(void) { I2C1CONLbits.PEN=1; I2C1_IDLE();//while(I2C2CONLbits.PEN==1){}; } void I2C1_StartCondition(void) { I2C1CON1bits.SEN=1; I2C1_IDLE();//while(I2C2CONLbits.SEN==1){}; } void I2C1_IDLE(void) { while(I2C1CONLbits.RCEN==1 || I2C1CONLbits.PEN==1 || I2C1CONLbits.RSEN==1 || I2C1CON1bits.SEN==1 || I2C1STATbits.TRSTAT==1){};//IDLE } void Init_I2C1(void) { I2C1BRG = 9; I2C1CONLbits.I2CSIDL=0;//Continues module operation in Idle mode I2C1CONLbits.A10M=0;//I2CADD is a 7-bit slave address I2C1CONLbits.DISSLW=1;//1=Slew rate control is disabled for Standard Speed mode (100 kHz, also disabled for 1 MHz mode) || 0=Slew rate control is enabled for High-Speed mode (400 kHz) I2C1CONLbits.I2CEN=1;//Enables the I2C2 module, and configures the SDA2 and SCL2 pins as serial port pins }
uint8_t SI1145_Burst_Read_Data_UI8(uint8_t add_register_UI8)//uint8_t add_register_UI8, uint8_t dim)//return 8bits data from I2C Register { //Host Interface Burst Read sequence I2C1_StartCondition(); I2C1_SendByte(0xC0); I2C1_ACK_READ(); I2C1_SendByte(add_register_UI8); I2C1_ACK_READ(); I2C1_ReStartCondition(); I2C1_SendByte(0xC1); res = I2C1_ReadData(); I2C1_Send_NACK(); I2C1_StopCondition(); return res; }
more prints with only one call
register address
register value