cannot get multicomp pro hand held oscilloscope to display a wave form .have folowed instructions in user manual for no result . Could some please advise
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cannot get multicomp pro hand held oscilloscope to display a wave form .have folowed instructions in user manual for no result . Could some please advise
Hey cavendish54 ,
Have you contacted the online store support to ensure the device operates properly?
RE: first impressions: multicomp PRO handheld oscilloscope
These reviewers may be able to answer questions....
I've got the MP720015 (compliments of e14) and the first thing I do after it starts is hit the "Auto Set" button. Then I start playing with the amplitude and time. It's also got a 1kHz test output that I use infrequently - like when I forget that I pushed the "Run Stop" button and I can't figure out why I'm not reading stuff. ALL self inflicted. AUTO is your friend.
absolutely , AUTO has bailed me out more than once.