Hi All,
I am new to the platform please excuse me if I am going about this in the incorrect way, I am a hobbyist and have designed a RFID module that has a 485-line driver to communicate with a master device. I have ordered the bords from JLC and assembled the unit. I have a 12dcv supply, I have two 270E 1/4W resistors in parallel to assist with limiting the strain on the 7805 linear regulator, I since have discovered that the resistors restrict too much current and the Arduino was suffering possible brownout events.
What I am struggling with is the failure of the BC546 bjt driving the active buzzer, the buzzer is rated 8-15VDC 30mA, the failure starts as a static noise coming from the buzzer when the MCU pin is set to low and eventually the bjt fails and the buzzer keeps on buzzing.
I would appreciate some advice my errors,