Does the MULTICOMP PRO MP009288 USB Cable contain any PFAS elements?
Does the MULTICOMP PRO MP009288 USB Cable contain any PFAS elements?
OH, My Word! Who cares They are bound up in the cable, and don't come out. ~~ Cris H
OH, My Word! Who cares They are bound up in the cable, and don't come out. ~~ Cris H
Unfortunately, we have to inform our customer in the USA as per:
40 CFR Part 705 of the Toxic Substance Control Act (TSCA) requires all manufacturers and importers of PFAS into USA to submit a report to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) by May 8, 2025. This report needs to provide an accurate representation of the amount of PFAS that entered the US market between 2011 and 2022. Each PFAS importer or manufacturer needs to submit this report per PFAS chemical, per site and per year. This applies to PFAS contained in mixtures (f.i. refrigerant gasses) as well as in parts (O-rings, gaskets, …). EPA identifies a molecule as PFAS if at least one of the below molecular structures is included. This scope includes fluoropolymers.
We therefore request your collaboration by informing us:
Go and check the documentation. I'm sure you can find it on the manufacturer website !
I see a lot of this in California.
When I go to the manufacturer website https://multicomp-pro.com/ I am always redirected to the Element14 or Farnell website and there is no information concerning PFAS.