I have no formal education in electronics. In fact, I just started self learning recently. I do have formal education in programming though. I am building ( as fast as I can ) a prototype of an IOT air quality measuring device using ( currently )
Arduino R4 Wifi Rev 2
DHT 22 temperature/humidity sensor
ILI9341 TFT display
GPS Module NEO 6M
Those are the main items. However once the above is working perfectly, i’d like to add other air quality sensors to the prototype such as the ones listed here
shopee.com.my/Gas-Sensor-Module-MQ2-MQ3-MQ4-MQ5-MQ5-MQ6-MQ7-MQ8-MQ9-MQ135-MQ-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-135-Arduino-Raspberry-i.126211897.7671802063 as well as try running it on a Lithium Ion Battery.
shopee.com.my/Gas-Sensor-Module-MQ2-MQ3-MQ4-MQ5-MQ5-MQ6-MQ7-MQ8-MQ9-MQ135-MQ-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-135-Arduino-Raspberry-i.126211897.7671802063 as well as try running it on a Lithium Ion Battery.
Problems ( bare in mind the dev board is Arduino R4 Wifi ) -
1. TFT
i can't make the TFT ( touch screen display ) to work : Compilation error: "wiring_private.h: No such file or directory"
1. TFT
i can't make the TFT ( touch screen display ) to work : Compilation error: "wiring_private.h: No such file or directory"
But it works on Arduino Uno R3
2. Serial ports ?
And then i can't seem to use more than one softwareSerial. when running PM2.5 sensor and GPS sensor at the same time ;
And then i can't seem to use more than one softwareSerial. when running PM2.5 sensor and GPS sensor at the same time ;
If i declare pmsSerial.begin(9600) FIRST, the GPS part will not output anything if i declare gpsSerial.begin(9600) FIRST , the PMS(pm2.5) part will not output anything So i applied this docs.arduino.cc/.../
on arduino Uno R3 and it worked but when i apply it to R4 Wifi , it says
"class SoftwareSerial' has no member named 'listen'. " I have received some feedbacks from several forums mostly regarding the R4 has 2 serial ports. My point is, i need to build a prototype real fast so i can’t have for example, the TFT working but not those main sensors or vice versa.
SO i am thinking of getting a different dev board that can make all these sensors AND the TFT to work seamlessly.
One guy suggested Arduino Giga R1 Wifi but it is so much more expensive than ESP32 Pro s3 by unexpectedmaker .
If i am not mistaken the Giga R1 has 4 serial ports while the Pro S3 has 3.
If i am not mistaken the Giga R1 has 4 serial ports while the Pro S3 has 3.
I doubt that it’s worth the price for that one difference . cost if of course an issue. I want to get a development board that does not require me to buy , for example, another TFT other than the one that I have right now Thanks