Arduino R4 Wifi Rev 2
DHT 22 temperature/humidity sensor
ILI9341 TFT display
GPS Module NEO 6M
shopee.com.my/Gas-Sensor-Module-MQ2-MQ3-MQ4-MQ5-MQ5-MQ6-MQ7-MQ8-MQ9-MQ135-MQ-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-135-Arduino-Raspberry-i.126211897.7671802063 as well as try running it on a Lithium Ion Battery.
1. TFT
i can't make the TFT ( touch screen display ) to work : Compilation error: "wiring_private.h: No such file or directory"
And then i can't seem to use more than one softwareSerial. when running PM2.5 sensor and GPS sensor at the same time ;
If i am not mistaken the Giga R1 has 4 serial ports while the Pro S3 has 3.