The Daleks are a race of Dals (or Kaleds) who became mutated after a brief nuclear, biological, and chemical war, and as such, need to be encased in a special construct that prevents viruses such as COVID-19 from entering. (Image credit: Flikr)
Daleks have been trying to exterminate humans since the second season of Doctor Who was broadcast on the BBC back in 1963. According to lore, the Daleks were born after a race known as the Dals (or Kaleds) had a brief nuclear, biological, and chemical war against another race known as the Thals, which caused them to become horrifically mutated. To make matters worse, the evil genius Kaled chief scientist Davros experimented on the mutated race to make the ultimate species. He then placed them into “travel machines” (part tank, part life support system), modeled after Davros’ life support chair.
The cyborg-like Daleks have vowed to exterminate all humans and even managed to conquer Earth at one point in the 22nd century, only to be foiled by the Doctor (a time lord capable of time travel) countless times over. Regardless of their many defeats, the Daleks remain a formidable foe, and its best just to hide from them altogether or follow their directions, like the citizens of Robin Hood’s Bay, a UK fishing village in North Yorkshire county.
See the Twitter video here-
In a recently released Twitter video, a lone Dalek can be seen patrolling the town streets warning its residents to self-isolate, and tougher measures will be put in place for those who don’t adhere to its warning. “By order of the Daleks, all humans must stay indoors, all humans must isolate,” it says in its computerized voice as it passes each row of houses. It’s unknown as of yet of Who is behind the ingenious stunt, which brought a little levity during the COVID-19 pandemic.
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