Contestants submit their droid drawings, sketches, or paintings for a chance to have them physically created and included in an upcoming Star Wars project. (Image credit: Star Wars: Force for Change)
Star Wars fans who have ever thought about designing their droids could have a chance to see their creations come to life through a new contest being sponsored by a partnership between Star Wars: Force for Change and robotics community First. The Build Your Own Droid Contest looks to inspire a new generation of innovators in the STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Math) academic disciplines.
Artists 16 and up can submit their drawings, sketches, or paintings of their droids for a chance to have their creations come to life and featured in an upcoming story in the Star Wars universe. The winning designer will also be invited to the world premiere of Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker in December, and have their droid revealed on the red carpet.
Judges for the contest include some industry heavy-hitters, including Star Wars creature and make-up effects supervisor Neal Scanlan, Lucasfilm Vice President John Swartz, Lucasfilm senior creative executive Pablo Hidalgo, Star Wars superfan Mayim Bialik, and First founder Dean Kamen. In the press release, Lucasfilm president Kathleen Kennedy stated, “The ingenuity and creativity of Star Wars fans have always amazed me. When FIRST teamed up with Force for Change, we saw a great opportunity to both highlight their incredible talent and reaffirm the importance of STEM programs. I can’t wait to see what designs they come up with.”
The contest has already launched, but contestants have until November 13, 2019, to submit their artwork, and eligible countries include the US, Canada, Great Britain (England, Scotland, and Wales only), France, Spain, Belgium, Japan, and Mexico. The official rules and how to enter can be found on the Star Wars: Force for Change website. Good luck, and maybe your droid will be the one they are looking for.
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