Anybody here to suggest a method (sensor) to measure dust on a glass surface (photo voltaic) without going to image processing? #help
Anybody here to suggest a method (sensor) to measure dust on a glass surface (photo voltaic) without going to image processing? #help
I think this this is an XY problem. Wouldn't just knowing that there is a decline in photovoltalic output power for a given solar irradiance, be enough to determine something is suspect. I.e. wouldn't just a pilot cell (perhaps one that is self cleaning) or a power senor be enough?
I think this this is an XY problem. Wouldn't just knowing that there is a decline in photovoltalic output power for a given solar irradiance, be enough to determine something is suspect. I.e. wouldn't just a pilot cell (perhaps one that is self cleaning) or a power senor be enough?