Hello everyone,
This question might have been asked somewhere else but I was not able to fand any other posts regarding my question, if there are please link them and i will delete this post, so I don't waste anybody's time.
I was recently looking into making a generator. I found some glow engines that don't cost alot (I am on a budget) like this one from ali express (I can also buy from other websites, this one just showed up first): https://www.aliexpress.com/item/GO-Engine-18th-methanol-engine-3-0CC-Without-Glow-Plug-for-1-10-on-road-Buggy/32804111807.html?spm=2114.search0204.3.287.c3ltkE&ws_ab_test=searchweb0_0,searchweb201602_5_10152_10065_10151_10068_5430020_5410020_10304_10307_10137_10060_10302_10155_10154_5370011_10056_10055_10054_10059_100031_10099_5400020_10103_10102_10052_10053_10142_10107_10050_10051_5380020_5390020_10084_10083_10080_10082_10081_10177_10110_10111_5420020_10112_10113_10114_10312_10313_10314_10315_10078_10079_10073,searchweb201603_16,ppcSwitch_5_ppcChannel&btsid=982ac520-824a-4967-816b-8c0d979ee8e4&algo_expid=9ff6c1ab-f534-4c27-94b5-31bdddab7c71-39&algo_pvid=9ff6c1ab-f534-4c27-94b5-31bdddab7c71
And I was looking around for a dc motor But I don't know which one to pick. Should i be brushed or brushless? What rpm? what voltage? what amp rating? I heard some motors generate AC and others dc?
I am looking to power something like a buck boost converter to charge 5v things (like phones or camping lights... etc).
Will it provide enough power for these appliances?
Thanks in advance.