OpenElectronics posted their:
"10 of the Most incredible Open Source Hardware projects born in 2013"
This post celebrates few of the most incredible Open Source Hardware project from 2013. Most of these projects were crowdfunded, and I believe this tells much about how innovations is funded and encouraged these days. 2013 was a year full of open innovations and 2014 looks largely promising as both huge companies and independent developers and startups increasingly look at this approach to innovation.
I particularly find HackRF exciting:
If you’re wondering how many RF lovers are in the world, I would say MANY. Hack RF, the platform that helps you “Transmit or receive any radio signal from 30 MHz to 6000 MHz on USB power”. According to the project updates in kickstarter things seem pretty on track: for sure the development team has no money shortage as the project got funded an outstanding budget: more than 600k$ for a project originally asking for 80k. That’s a success.
What open source hardware did you like this year?