BrewBit Model-T (via kickstarter)
No one actually knows just how many different kinds of beer there is all over the globe, however some of the more modest estimates put that number at well over 20,000. (I made my own beer once, “Dos Cabes,” so add another one to the count). That’s a lot of beer, however most of that number could probably be broken down to the micro-brew category as they have become more popular over the last couple of decades. Even with all the different varieties of beer that are on the market, some prefer to create their own in terms of home brewing. The art of home brewing takes a lot of skill and finesse to craft beer of an exceptional quality, which cannot be accomplished if the brew-master does not have the right tools.
In order to successfully brew the ‘brew’, crafters need either a glass or a food-grade airtight container along with a stopper in the form of a fermentation lock that allows carbon-dioxide to vent during the fermentation process. The key to creating great beer is optimum temperature, which needs to be consistently maintained otherwise the final product can be ruined. In an effort to help those who home brew their own beer maintain a steady temperature, Inebriated Innovations (sounds like an Irish technology firm) has designed and developed a new device that helps maintain an optimal temperature even when crafters are not at home. Their device is known as the BrewBit Model-T and functions as a wireless temperature controller that helps maintain a steady temperature for the fermentation process.
The 3D printed device is equipped with two temperature probes that provide independent power control for both heating and cooling as well as two power outlets for independent control of two separate fermentation containers. The device is equipped with Wi-Fi allowing users to take control of their brewing process using an internet connection, which is handy especially if users can’t spend a whole lot of time at home. BrewBit features open-source hardware and software that allows users to modify and customize almost everything to suit their needs including temperature profiles that can be loaded on the fly to suit any configurations the user may need. Don’t leave the house that often? No problem, as the device has a built-in screen that users can select their profiles from as well as displaying accurate independent temperature readings if using different brewing containers. The unit even provides alerts in SMS or email form if something should go wrong during the brewing process or if the device itself malfunctions. Inebriated Innovations is currently crowd-funding the BrewBit temperature controller on Kickstarter in order to fully develop the device and get it to the manufacturers before a vast amount of home brewed beer is obliterated. The company has reached its pledge goal of $80,000 US with backers providing over $96,000 during the run. Those looking to acquire a BrewBit Model-T when the device is ready for the market can pledge $160 and up, however be forewarned, while the device will help in crafting great beer they do not come with beer goggles.
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