Mbody Coach, smart shorts that track your activity and coach you real-time. (via kickstarter)
Myontec is looking for funding on kickstater to amp up their current Mbody high-tech smart exercise shorts. While their current Mbody exercise shorts are already being used by professional athletes who have the advantage of coachs and staff on hand that can interpret the incoming analytics, general consumers don't have this luxury. In fact, most fitness consumers also don't have the $1000 to spend on the current Mbody gear either. So, Myontec is trying to move into the consumer market by offering Mbody shorts that act as a personal trainer helping you stay balanced and hit your fitness goals: they are calling the new collection Mbody Coach.
Mbody Coach will still run real-time analysis of heart rate, muscle load, cadence, speed, and balance. All of this data can be seen on your smartphone and synced up to a laptop for real-time data and tracking of progress. However, the technology will also issue voice commands based upon the real-time data to coach users as they exercise. This line of their shorts are also on offer for much less than their previous Mbody collection and it does way more. The early bird specials on their kickstater campaign start at $159. While these early steals are already gone, there are currently still early bird deals available from $329. That is way less than buying personal training lessons for a year at the gym. Of course, it really depends on how dedicated the average person is to their fitness level.
One invaluable voice coaching command from the Mbody Coach is it's ability to spot whether a user is in a position that makes them more likely to incur an injury. The other voice coaching commands will tell a user when they are fully warmed up enough to begin their workout. The voice coaching will also work a user through their target goals, coaching them along the way to ensure that they body is ready to go full-throttle, or letting you know to back off. Overall, it is a pretty impressive and professional piece of tech for someone training to run a marathon, for instance.
They are currently about 10% towards achieving their goal of $99,000 with 31 more days to go. I hope this gets produced, in the event that I ever decide to get intense about my physical fitness.
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