Conceptualization of World Cup opening kick (via Colorado State & Duke immersive Virtual Environment)
The World Cup is one of the biggest sporting events in the world. Whether you're watching the games or not, this year's opening event will be worth watching. A paralyzed teen will walk for the very first time and open the ceremony by kicking the first ball by using an exoskeleton and 3D printed helmet that are entirely mind controlled. Prepare your box of tissues – this one is going to be good.
The initiative is part of the Walk Again Project, a nonprofit, international push to give paralyzed people the opportunity to walk upright. The project is headed by the Duke University Center for Neuroengineering and is being made possible with help from the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne, Technical Universal of Munich, Edmond and Lily Safra International Institute of Neuroscience of Natal in Brazil, University of Kentucky, University of California, Davis and the Regis Kopper of the Duke immerse Virtual Environment.
The project is truly a collaborative effort, with Colorado State University behind the design of brain-powered helmet itself, while the other universities work on the motorized exoskeleton and Duke amps up its Virtual Reality platform, in which the teen will practice for the big day.
The initiative is largely made possible by 3D printing, which builds squishy neurosensors inside of the helmet that monitor brainwaves and execute commands to the exoskeleton. The initial research for the technology was conducted by the Nicolelis lab, which designed flexible neurosensors about the width of strands of hair, called microwires. The microwires are attached to the frontal and parietal cortices, which are most responsible for the control of voluntary movement in the body. The helmet will read these action potentials and the world will watch as one teen makes history.
The anxious teen has practiced walking using a Virtual Reality environment.... but...
The World Cup began! Here is the first kick!
Great way to start the game!
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