Ricoh recently announced the development of a substance called, “Energy-Generating Rubber.” It is an electricity-generating rubber that produces the high output of piezoelectric ceramic with the flexibility of a piezoelectric polymer. (via Nikkei Technology)
Japanese electronics company Ricoh recently announced the development of a new material that can convert pressure and vibration into electric energy. The substance is called “Energy-Generating Rubber” and promises to offer the same flexibility as piezoelectric polymer, with the same high efficiency of piezoelectric ceramic.
Ricoh isn’t revealing any secrets regarding the specs of the new electricity-generating rubber. What we do know is that Ricoh had a vision in mind. It wanted to offer manufacturers an alternative to high-temperature, heavy piezoelectric ceramic while creating a substance small and flexible enough for use in mobile devices. Although the substance is in its early stages of development, the project looks promising.
Most manufacturers who need high-energy output use piezoelectric ceramic. While the material is highly efficient in generating electricity, it is immensely heavy, requires a high temperature and often contains lead. Ricoh says its new Energy-Generating Rubber can replace electricity-producing ceramics in time, as it does not require high temperatures, nor does it contain toxic chemicals.
Energy-Generating Rubber was intended to be flexible, like current piezoelectric polymer technology, but offer more efficiency. The thin, bendable substance can ideally be used anywhere, including manufacturing machines, household appliances and even computers. It can be used to produce energy or even as a sensor for vibrations and pressure. What’s more, the material should be much more inexpensive to produce than piezoelectric ceramic and polymer, so it can become more available to small business owners and makers alike.
Ricoh is a technology company that specializes in home office electronics and IT services. It is a large tech company, as it produces roughly $18.5 billion annually and operates in roughly 200 countries and regions. Although the company has been successful with its current business strategy, it announced that it wants to enhance its technologies now so it can be more competitive for the IoT boom that’s already happening.
The IoT, or the Internet of Things, is a movement to take home automation to the next level. It is the ability to manage the devices within your home, including coffee makers, refrigerators and even home security systems, from your mobile device or computer. The concept promises users unimaginable ease of use to maintain their homes and lifestyles with the touch of a button, and Ricoh wants in on the deal.
Ricoh hopes that its new Energy-Generating Rubber will not only position it to offer end-of-use IoT products to consumers, but also to supply manufacturers with products they need to increase efficiency and decrease the cost of doing business. No one can tell if the strategy will work, but Ricoh is partnering with Tokyo University of Science to perfect the piezoelectric rubber for a future market launch. There’s no word on when it will officially launch, but keep watch. It shouldn’t take long.
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