At this point in time, we can automate and robotize almost everything, so why not a baby stroller? Sure, it may seem a tad unsafe at first, but company Xandon Frogget has figured out a way using of the shelf components.
First, they integrated motors on each of the back wheels of the stroller, each remarkably quiet and capable of pulling 300lb, so grownups can go for a ride or you can make your baby walk and use it as a motorized shopping cart. These motors are individually controlled by a laptop or netbook capable of running Android apps. In a video released, Frogget used a rooted NookColor from Barnes & Noble.
The interface is programmed using Processing, an object oriented language and IDE originally designed to teach programming in a visual context. This sample code is easily hacked and modified so the stroller can be controlled by the accelerometer in your smart phone or a video game controller. However, the inexperienced may need to refrain modifying too much because the code is written to avoid and steer around of obstacles. The stroller can be steered manually with assistance to avoid collisions or it can be put in ARAS (autonomous robot assisted steering) where it can steer itself also maneuvering around obstacles. With a price tag of 2,500 to 3,500, I doubt they will be releasing the code for free.
The contraption is aware of obstacles by two mounted Kinect cameras, one that looks forward and the other backwards. Frogget says the software is also compatible with the ASUS Xtion Pro. One of the coolest features is that if the netbook has a camera, the stroller can also become a telepresence device.
Frogget is offering a basic kit that includes all hardware plus a Kinect or an ASUS Xtion Pro, a medium kit that includes hardware, either camera and a Netbook or a complete kit that includes all the hardware, Netbook and stroller. By the way, if you want to modify your own stroller, the hardware fits on those similar to the BOB Jogging stroller and no deconstruction is necessary so you can go back to your original stroller if you so please, but for that price, why would you do that?