I'am a newbee and playing with camera module for the raspberry pi. Does anybody know if there is a way to start recording by a extrernal trigger??
For instance when a sensor is triggerd it wil start recording and stops after a certain time..??
I'am a newbee and playing with camera module for the raspberry pi. Does anybody know if there is a way to start recording by a extrernal trigger??
For instance when a sensor is triggerd it wil start recording and stops after a certain time..??
You could use a RF remote and module to run a simple bash script to start recording. As for stopping the only method I know of is using ctrl-c.
You mean something like flirc ?
The stopping is not a problem,
I'm talking about writing 'raspvid -t 99999999 -o vid.h264' in a shell .sh then using IR to run it of course you will have a bit of python coding. Then writing another .sh script to stop it with another IR signal from a remote.
Instead of using a IR control can I use the i/o pins on the PI ? It doesn't have to be wireless. The idea is that it starts recording as soon as a sensor is made.