I am doing my first robot with a Pic microcontroller.
It has a dip switich in the PCB wich has to be read at startup to change it's behaviour.
i had connect each swicht into a pic's pin. In the code, i had #defined each pin as rb(x).
Now, i wish to, at startup, had them read and set 3 different "int = x" variables" wich the void main () has to read and proceed in consequence. I tried to use "scanf (%d, switch1) and so on, yet whenever
i try to compile it and mmlab's xc8 tells me "scanf" and "printf" are not supported. I had install other compilers from Microchip, yet i have the same results.
I have a basic understanding of C language, yet i don't know how can i read 3 switches and set 3 variables, i would like to ask if someone could help me with this.
Just let me thank you for your attention.