A short video where I just go through the main components that will be in the hat.
Linky List of Things
If all goes according to plan, then this is what I need to make my fabulous hat:
Potential Hatastrophes
- The Hat Base: It’s more creamy than it is white (this makes me unreasonably disgruntled). The ribbon is affixed with silicone glue. Will I be able to tear it off without destroying the hat? Should I just cave-in and ask a talented Etsy-er to make me exactly what I want? Or is this challenge an opportunity for creative solution? Can you bleach cashmere?
- The Side Glow Fiber Optic: The 3mm is still super fat. Fatter than I want. And definitely not bendy enough. I ordered some 1.5mm side glow, but I’m not sure if it will work either. Will I be able to bend the fiber optic to my will? Will this just look bad?
- 1 meter of Neopixel Strip: It doesn’t fit all the way around the hat! Rookie mistake not to even measure the circumference of my cloche. Ugh. Thankfully, I have a 2-meter strip that I’d ordered for another project and I should be able to fuss around with how much goes where so that it all evens out in the end.