At the Mobile World Congress in Barcelona, German researchers demonstrated a mobile radio standard of LTE-Advanced video coding techique called Multiview Video Coding (MVC). The goal is 3D films on cell phones. Despite recent reports of children and adults having eye strain from using the Nintendo 3D gaming device the 3DS, Researchers at the Fraunhofer Institute for Telecommunications, Heinrich-Hertz-Institute, HHI in Berlin have decided to go ahead on this project. The have created a compression algorithm that works well with HD video. Thomas Schierl is a scientist at the HHI explains, “MVC is used to pack together the two images needed for the stereoscopic 3-D effect to measurably reduce the film's bit rate,.The 2-D and 3-D bit streams divided up by MVC can be prioritized for each user at the air interface to support different services, thus opening up a completely new field for business models.” A novelty or a new standard indeed, it's going to happen.
With Sprint possibly switching from WiMAX to LTE, this will most definitely be in our forecast.