From Taser International comes the launchable taser grenade. A 40mm Human Electro-Muscular Incapacitation, The HEMI, ordinance capable of reaching a target area 100 meters (197 feet) away. Being a standard 40mm, this grenade can be shot from any under mount or stand alone launcher. But, at close ranges the projectile can be dangerous or fatal. The current incapacitation time is set to 30 seconds, but it is adjustable.
No information yet on how the device operates. On the internet I have seen designs for supercapacitor bases "stun grenades." With supercaps (ultracaps) that are small in the 10+ Farad level, I would assume the delivery system is based on a similar idea.
However, skin contact in neccessary, so is this "grenade" shooting dart+wires out? More soon...