OpenPicus, the italian open source platform made for wireless smart sensors and actuators, definitely takes off with a thick list of juicy news ready to be downloaded on 20th Jan 2011 (10am italian time)
The open source platform is mature and offers to the developers:
- The new IDE, easy to use and Free to download
- Software Framework: your Apps can control the functions of the Protocol and of hardware, but you don't need to be an expert of both.
- Apps Source Code (such as wireless Webserver)
- Video guide for the IDE and a Manual for the Framework
OpenPicus started in March 2010, it was just an idea and a Blog. Today FlyPort module (the first Wi-Fi smart module, AKA Picus) is more and more the core of lot of Wireless applications, from sensors to robotics. Very innovative the smart Campus program: they give FREE Starter kits for Universities.