I have a 2.4GHz chip antenna working fine with the transceiver on the same side of the PCB as at the chip antenna.
I laid out my board with the same antenna on the other side of the board, using a 16-mil VIA. I put the via on the antenna side of the matching network. The signal is always referenced to ground.
The chip antenna was a royal pain to match. It started out looking like a short at 2.4GHz. (It was not DC shorted or shorted at lower frequencies.)
When I finanally got it matched, it was only matched (1.4:1) in the center of the 2.4GHz band. It was around 4:1 at the edges.
The performacne was 20dB worse than the board with the antenna on the same side. How much trouble can a via cause at 2.4GHz? 20dB?