I'm trying to build a small scale internal GPS of sorts, for tracking people inside an empty room as a prototype. The plan is that each person will have a receiver on them and there will be multiple transmitters (from the same device/controller) around the room that will communicate with the receivers in order to calculate the persons location by working out the distance between them like GPS does.
The problem I'm currently having is trying to work out how transmission should work. Since there are going to be multiple transmitters I think I'd like them to communicate on separate frequencies/channels to avoid collisions between them, is this possible with only one receiver per person?
I did wonder whether it was possible to get the receiver to listen on a large bandwidth picking up all the channels that the transmitters are transmitting on then it might be possible to filter out the data for each transmitter. Is this something that might work or would it just have the same collision issues as having transmitters on the same frequency and channel?
Any help on this issue would be extremely useful, many thanks :-)