for start, a little introduction: microcontrollers are my hobby. I started with 8bit PICs, did the great online MOOC with Tiva C microcontroller and now playing with incredible PSoCs 4 and 5LP.
My goal is to build a small home/office measurement system. The idea is to have different sensors on different places (temperature, humidity, air pressure, light sensors, PIR motion sensors...) at a house and to be able to display "realtime" readings and also have the possibility to store the values somewhere. Cloud storage may be an option, but I could do with some local db on LAN.
The thing is I need help with the idea, how to build a wireless sensor network (technology, topology, HW...). I have seen source codes of some wireless protocols (MiWi, WiFi, ...) but it is way too complicated. I tried ESP-12 module, but the more I have read about it, the less I trust it (especially when it is not supported by chip manufacturers). I have a CC3100 and CC2650 Laundchpad, but they also seem complicated to me. Perhaps Energia could make it a bit easier?
One of my ideas: use Raspberry Pi as a hub and connect other sensor boards via Bluetooth (serial port profile?).
Another overkill idea: use Raspberry Pi as a sensor board itself and connect it via WiFi somewhere, where the data could be stored. (Of course, this draws huge amount of current).
Are there any easy to use, wireless, point to multipoint modules? With embedded security, supported by manufacturer, upgradeable. My goal is to transfer simple hex/ascii data and do the processing somewhere else, after storing to db. I could live with simple DIY boards including a sensor and a wireless module that would need to be preprogrammed (for example via PC, before use) to communicate to just one endpoint. Encryption and pairing mechanism will be preset and transparent for the managing microcontroller (so some simple low power 8bit MCU could be used?).
Thank in advance for any tips.