Hi everyone! Im about to embark on electronics/comms training? After that I want to specialise into something?
Im looking at Scada/control systems, wireless comms and RF.
While I have a background in programming and some physics the technical aspects/terminology are daunting as all these fields offer a myriad of avenues.
My question is this:
1. Im looking for the most mobile skill( I love travelling and wayout places ) and obviously well paid
2. Where is the convergence going in these fields, so I can position myself correctly?
3. It seems to me that Scada guys need a lot more training/diploma/degree and experience versus the RF/radio technician guys? Why do radio techs earn so much? How do you become a radio tech?
Im in South Africa and there is no specialised training here except for people who are already in the industry, so im looking abroad for training.
Any advice, help, referals to other forums are very much appreciated!!