in esp32idf ble , I am not sure how to send data form client to server , by using call back function in main
in esp32idf ble , I am not sure how to send data form client to server , by using call back function in main
What data are you sending how you are sending?
Please provide more information.
1) Code or snippet of the code.
2) Which version of esp32?
3) Which board ?
4) Description about your setup. Which device is acting like server and client.
In BLE the device hosts data ( can be a BLE enabled sensor) is called GATT server. The device which receives the device acts like GATT Client.
This should not be confused with BLE Master and Slave. Slave can be GATT server. eg BLE enabled sensor.
BLE Characteristics can be set in the following modes
In your project setup what is the client and server? BLE nodes can act like GATT server and client.
I would highly recommend you to go through the materials what Nordic Semiconductor has in their dev academy
Also for ESP32-GATT server example:
hai aswinvenu
i went through
and made a server client pair exchanging data , thank you for you reply
2) latest esp32 version v5.2.2 blueroid
3)wroom board