I have been stuck in a problem, I think, in the macros and definitions generated by the project creator wizard. I am not 100% sure, but I have a feeling it's a bug. Let's try to explain what happened and what workaround I adopted.
You all have seen the image shown on my portable VGA monitor. That video driver was running on the CM4 core of a dual-core project, generated by the project wizard of Modus Toolbox. The idea of running that kind of video driver on the CM4 core may be the obvious one, but it's not the best because if we need to implement a simple 3D graphic engine we would like to take advantage of the full core, without the risk of interfering with the video generation.
So, at that point, we need to generate the video, which is a simple task aided by the hardware through Timers and DMA, on the CM0+. Now, the TCPWM channel that generates the HSync signal uses an IRQ and an ISR to count each pulse as a scanline and drive the VSync at the correct scanline number. The problem is that the TCPWM0 group1 counter4 (alternate function of P9_0 used for VGA HSync) uses the tcpwm_0_interrupts_260_IRQn (enumerator 135).
It's a problem because the core cm0+ doesn't have a direct connection to that system IRQ, but needs to connect to it through a multiplexer that needs to be configured. OK, let's do it.
The structure used to configure this connection is the same that I used for the CM4 core:
/** * Initialization configuration structure for a single interrupt channel */ typedef struct { #if defined (CY_IP_M7CPUSS) uint32_t intrSrc; /**< Bit 0-15 indicate system interrupt and bit 16-31 will indicate the CPU IRQ */ #else /* CY_IP_M7CPUSS */ IRQn_Type intrSrc; /**< Interrupt source */ #endif #if (CY_CPU_CORTEX_M0P) && defined (CY_IP_M4CPUSS) cy_en_intr_t cm0pSrc; /**< Maps cm0pSrc device interrupt to intrSrc */ #endif /* CY_CPU_CORTEX_M0P */ uint32_t intrPriority; /**< Interrupt priority number (Refer to __NVIC_PRIO_BITS) */ } cy_stc_sysint_t;
So, I need to connect tcpwm_0_interrupts_260_IRQn to a cy_en_intr_t cm0pSrc, but I can't since the preprocessor condition #if (CY_CPU_CORTEX_M0P) && defined (CY_IP_M4CPUSS) is not met. Even if I am working on the code of the project for the cm0+ core, this field of the structure is not enabled.
I started to reverse engineering the macros, definitions, etc. to find the origin, and where this condition is defined, but no way. No suggestions from Infineon community. So I passed a couple of days in the darkness.
This morning I decided to take a workaround and do it the old-school way. I have found in the registers manual the registers that need to be accessed to configure the multiplexer.
The register CPUSS_CM0_SYSTEM_INT_CTL0 is the first of a sequence of 175 registers that are associated with the system IRQs. It is possible to connect an IRQ to one of the eight connectable IRQs of the CM0+ core.
It's very easy to do it because you could write directly to the register the number of the CM0+ IRQs and activate it.
*((uint32*)(0x40208000+sysirqn)) = 0x80000000 ¦ cm0irqn;
Then you have to assign an ISR to the IRQ channel then enable the IRQ as usual.
/* Initialize the interrupt with vector at Interrupt_Handler_Port0() */ cy_stc_sysint_t HSyncInt_cfg = { 0, 0 }; uint32_t *intPtr = &((uint32_t*)0x40208000)[tcpwm_0_interrupts_260_IRQn]; *intPtr = 0x80000000; /* Initialize the interrupt service routine (ISR) */ Cy_SysInt_Init(&HSyncInt_cfg, (cy_israddress)RGB_VGA_Scanline_Start_ISR); /* Enable the interrupt */ NVIC_EnableIRQ(HSyncInt_cfg.intrSrc);
In this case, I connected the system IRQ 130 to the CM0+ IRQ 0, and it worked nicely. The IronMan picture was also shown from the CM0+ core.
Again, this is a workaround but I would like to know if there is something I got wrong generating the dual-core project, or if there is something I have to do with this need.
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