Hello everyone, First, Happy to be a part of the At The Core Design Challenge. I would like to give an insight into what we will be testing and how it would make an impact in the day to day life.
Why do we need this?
Failure of an incubator is fatal. Recently many premature babies have lost their lives due to a lack of proper monitoring of the incubator which leads to accidents. The lack of an alarm system was identified as the main reason for the fatalities, leaving the infants unable to even open their eyes. The proposed smart incubator system aims to prevent such tragedies from occurring by incorporating a baby monitoring system with an alarm to alert medical staff of any potential abnormality.
What are we making?
The biological parameters are monitored to ensure the safety of the babies and to prevent death rates. Monitoring the vital signs continuously of premature infants in the hospital requires sensors and electrodes which are said to be kept in contact with the patient and can be displayed on the monitor. Nay abnormality in the parameter will be indicated by the alarm system. The sensors consist of a pulse oximeter which measures the oxygen saturation level and pulse rate of the infant, a humidity sensor used to measure the relative humidity inside the incubator and temperature sensors for the temperature measurement of both the infant and the incubator. All these parameters will be used for monitoring the baby.
What's Next?
Neonatal Incubator Monitoring System - Modus Toolbox (Dual-core Application) #2
Neonatal Incubator Monitoring System - Sensors Interface #3
Neonatal Incubator Monitoring System - Project Demo #4
Neonatal Incubator Monitoring System - Summary #5
I hope that you find this interesting. Follow the upcoming posts to know more about the project. Thanks for reading,
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