Hi Guys,
From no idea to a final build..... yes our final blog is here.
Final Architecture
Rpi Code Flow
As a measure of safety I didn't hookup the Relays with the AC Mains instead the LEDs on the relay module is used to show the ON and OFF state of the Lamp and the Fan.
Best Viewed on Full Screen
Showed it to couple of my friends they actually loved it, without saying anything I tested it over my mom and she loved it, when she's angry it really helped her out.
Here is the pin mapping everything is connect to 5VDC.
Arduino Pin | Devices |
2 | Humidifier |
4 | Fan |
5 | Light |
8 | DHT11 |
9 | Bluetooth RX |
10 | Bluetooth TX |
11 | Room Freshener (Black) |
12 | Room Freshener (White) |
A0 | Light Sensor |
Oh yeah, Complete code is attached with the blog. I took a little more care so the code is simple and easier to understand, the video files aren't attached but still I can provide you with a link
Some might wonder why I'm using the USB webcam rather than the Rpi Camera v2.1?
The one actually came in the cart was a defective one, although danzima was ready to replace it with a new unit, I continued with my webcam, since time was running out and I had no clue where to start.
Not to forget, Thanks to everyone for the support
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