AD8232 ECG Measurement Heart Monitor Sensor Module
My initial plan was to use AD8232 ECG Measurement Heart Monitor Sensor Module. The AD8232 is a low cost integrated front end for signal conditioning of cardiac bio electrical signals to monitor heart rate. I've ordered it on February 2nd. But still hasn't received due disruption of supply chains in China.
ICSG007A ICStation Heartbeat Sensor
Fortunately I have another sensor that can provide heartbeat information. ICSG007A is a low cost, small, lightweight and easy to use module. The detection module combines a photo-transistor and green light LED. It generates analogue signal when a finger or earlobe is placed on it. Here are its characteristics:
Working Voltage = 3V to 5V
Working Current = ~4mA at 5V
Length (mm):18
Width (mm):15
Height (mm):4
Weight (g):2
Brand: IC-Station
Minimum Operating Temperature: -40°C
Maximum Operating Temperature: 85°C
Pin Pitch: 2.54mm
Testing Heartbeat Sensor
I never used it before. But it comes with some Arduino sample. I've decided to test if it is working before connecting to Cypress board. I've soldered three pins to the sensor board and connected it to my Arduino Uno. I've connected power to ground and 5V and analogue output to A0.
I've download the sample of pulse sensor code from the manufacturer of the sensor
The bundle has two programs. One is for Arduino to read analogue sensor readings and covert them to serial output as numbers. The second program reads serial output from Arduino and draws graph on PC as well provides heartbeat measurement as BPM. I've used a free open source tool OBS Studio to capture the process of programming Arduino Uno, getting serial data and getting visual representation on video.
Next Steps
Now it is clear that sensor is working as expected I need to learn how I can program Cypress PSOC to use it ADC to read signal analogue from the sensor.
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