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Here is the list of IDE software and packages needed to start working on my project.
All software and libraries are free.
If I will need something else in the future I will update this post.
Steps for configuring Windows PC Development Environment
I will use Visual Studio Community Edition as an IDE, it has great debugging options and packages I need for cross platform development
Install Visual Studio Community Edition
Download it here:
Xamarin package is needed to be installed to do cross platform development, so the same code will run on Windows, Android, IOS
During VS installation select Mobile Development option during VS installation and Xamarin package will be installed automatically
Install Xam.Plugin.SimpleAudioPlayer package for Visual Studio
This NuGet package is needed for cross platform audio player
Instructions on how to install NuGet packages for Visual studio can be found here: )
Install SkiaSharp package for Visual Studio
This NuGet package is needed for cross platform graphics
Good description and tips on installation is here Install SkiaSharp on VS for Windows
Steps for configuring Development Environment for Arduino
Install Arduino IDE
Needed to write and upload code to Arduino board
Download it here:
Install FastLED package for Arduino ID
It is needed for coding functionality for “smart LED” - WS2812B strip I will be using
In Arduino IDE select:
Tools -> Manage Libraries -> type “FastLED” -> select it -> Press Install
Description of library
Install ArduinoBLE package
Needed for Bluetooth communication between Android/Windows and Arduino
In Arduino IDE select:
Tools -> Manage Libraries -> type “ArduinoBLE” -> select it -> Press Install
Description of library
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