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Assistive Technology with the Arduino MKR1000 Dev Board
Integrate the low-cost Arduino MKR1000 IoT Dev BoardMKR1000 IoT Dev Board into your project for the chance to win a prize package worth up to $2430 USD.
The Design for a Cause Challenge will choose 16 sponsored Challengers to receive a Challenger Kit for FREE.
Arduino, in collaboration with element14, would like to introduce the Design for a Cause Challenge
The 16 sponsored challengers will use the Arduino MKR1000 Dev Board to create a piece of assistive technology for individuals living with physical or mental impairments. These projects should show how the Arduino MKR1000 Dev Board can be used to help improve the lives of people living with limitations. Challengers are invited to make their code and methods Open Source so others around them can help people in their own lives.
Example applications could include:
- OpenSource electric wheelchair conversion kit
- Smart prosthetics
- Sense replacement system
- Safer cooking options for people with sight impairments
- Mobility & dexterity aids
- Help with household appliances
- Proximity detecting canes
- Communication devices
The Design for a Cause Challenge will have 16 sponsored Challengers who will each receive the Kit for free.
But anyone can join the Challenge as a non-sponsored Challenger!
Here's how: Use the Arduino MKR1000 Dev BoardMKR1000 Dev Board integrate it into your project. Then post 10 blogs about your design journey in the Design for a Cause space, tagging your blogs 'Design for a Cause'.
What are Design Challenges?
Design Challenges are 11-week-long build challenges where applicants submit a project idea to a panel of judges. The best 16 are sent the official challengers build kit and spend the next 11 weeks building and blogging about it on the element14 community. After the 11 weeks are over, the judges choose which projects and blogs deserve the prizes and glory that come with being a Design Challenge winner. Every challenge has a theme and a kit partner.
The deadline for project application submissions is 20th June 2018.
All projects must include the Arduino MKR1000 Dev Board.
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