Sorry for the delay in this posting, between working 7 days a week for the past 3 weeks and family I got a bit behind on blogging.
Chrystal has been working on the thermostat regulator with the servo for a bit now. She is wanting to do it on her own so I am letting her learn about the motor and connecting it to the Arduino. She is starting to program it to turn on and off, this has been frustrating at times but she hasn't backed off. I have pictures of her getting mad with frustration but can't post them (She threatened me with pictures she has taken). She is getting it, wait until I tell her it will be integrated into the voice recognition.
For the voice recognition update:
I am using the Voice Recognition Module V3 "Speak to Control".
It is a speaker-dependent voice recognition module. It supports up to 80 voice commands in all. Max 7 voice commands could work at the same time. Any sound could be trained as command. This board has 2 ways to control: Serial Port (full function), General Input Pins (part of function). General Output Pins on the board could generate several kinds of waves while corresponding voice command was recognized.
Controllers information:
● Voltage: 4.5-5.5V
● Current: <40mA
● Digital Interface: 5V TTL level for UART interface and GPIO
● Analog Interface: 3.5mm mono-channel microphone connector + microphone pin interface
● Size: 31mm x 50mm
● Recognition accuracy: 99% (under ideal environment)
● Support maximum 80 voice commands, with each voice 1500ms (one or two words speaking)
● Maximum 7 voice commands effective at same time
● Arduino library is supplied
● Easy Control: UART/GPIO
● User-control General Pin Output
Here is a link to the Voice Recognition V3 Arduino library (Download zip file)
Below are pictures of the module, programming the module and a video of it in operation:
The wooden clock is coming along very well, I want to save displaying any pictures of it until I'm complete. This project is the best Chrystal and I have ever done, we continue to learn more about electronics and programming every day.
Thank you for reading and watching,
Dale and Chrystal Winhold
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