Electronic components and circuits usually vary their temperature during operation to different degrees. The effect of temperature on components or circuits can range from negligible variations of their characteristics, to their complete failure. In this competition I will measure how temperature affects the inductance and the ESR of inductors.
The project will be divided in 2 parts: The building of the temperature chamber and the characterization of the inductors.
As a first approximation the project will be divided in the following sections:
1. Building of the temperature chamber:
1.1 Heating
1.1.1 The heating element
1.1.2 The heating circuit
1.2 Temperature sensing
1.2.1 Thermistor characterization
1.2.2 The temperature sensing circuit
1.3 Inductor measurement
1.3.1 Building of an LCR meter IR receiver
1.3.2 Conversion of LCR packets into useful data
1.4 Putting it all together to build the chamber
1.5 Programming the control software and data logger
2 Inductor measurement
2.1 Inductor selection and measurement
2.2 Analysis of the results
3 Conclusion